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Our Commitment to Safety during COVID-19

Smiling front office team

At Dental Wellness of Lexington, we have always taken infection control seriously. A frequent recurring comment in our patient reviews is how clean our office is and how comfortable patients feel with the disinfection and sterilization procedures we employ. Likewise, our response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been to create an infection-resistant environment using supplies, technology and methods well beyond standards recommended by governmental agencies.

The first step in preventing transmission of communicable disease is physical barriers. We use N95 masks underneath a surgical mask. We wear gowns, hair covers, visors, and of course gloves. In addition, we have plexi-glass shields as barriers in our business office.

Since many infectious diseases are transmitted through the air, we use both centralized, as well as area disinfection and sterilization treatments. Virucidal and bactericidal ultraviolet light units are installed on the HVAC units, and an area photocatalytic system made by Airocide®, the company commissioned by NASA for treatment of air, is installed in the common area. Cold air foggers using hydrochlorous acid are used to disinfect treatment rooms in between patients, as well as common areas at periodic intervals.

Added to our normal protocol of chemical cleansing of surfaces is the use of Ultraviolet light wands. In addition to our standard autoclave sterilizers, UV sterilizing cabinets have been added to provide disinfection and sterilizing of materials.

Finally, Dental Wellness of Lexington uses protocols that minimize patient contact with other patients, and only with personnel essential to the delivery of care. Our new facility is designed with wide hallways and private, spacious treatment rooms.

Dental Wellness of Lexington’s goal is to provide our patients with the best dental care available, in a clean, comfortable, and safe environment. We welcome any questions regarding the measures we utilize to achieve that end.