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Dental Wellness of Lexington Blog

The Most Common Ways Your Dentist Can Treat Your Dental Emergency

July 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 2:13 pm
woman with a toothache talking to her emergency dentist in Lexington

In a perfect world, no one would ever have to experience a dental emergency. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to completely prevent a tooth from aching or becoming cracked, broken, or knocked out. These situations can be stressful and scary, so knowing what to expect in advance can be a huge help. Although every dental emergency is different, here are six of the most common treatments that your emergency dentist in Lexington might use to heal your smile.


Missing Teeth? Discover the Versatility of Dental Implants

June 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 5:19 pm
a single tooth dental implant in Lexington and all its parts

Did you know there are three types of dental implants? Considered to be one of the most versatile methods of tooth replacement available, these permanent prosthetics make it possible for individuals with one, multiple, or an entire arch of missing teeth to achieve greater functionality. If you are suffering from tooth loss but are unsure if you qualify for this type of treatment, this article will discuss what your dentist will look for during your initial consultation as well as which dental implant you can expect to receive.  


Are You a Good Candidate for IV Sedation? Find Out Here!

May 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 1:27 pm
Woman in dental chair with blonde hair smiling with thumb up

Does the idea of going to the dentist send a shiver down your spine? If so, you’re not alone! According to the American Dental Association, 22% of people in the US skip their dental appointments due to fear. Thankfully, your dentist offers IV sedation – one of a few sedation options that allows you to stay cool, calm, and collected throughout your visit. But how can you know if IV sedation is right for you? Read on to learn the answer!


Will It Hurt to Receive Dental Implants?

April 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 10:38 pm
an older woman wearing a brown cardigan smiles after receiving her dental implants in Lexington

It’s not uncommon to feel uneasy or nervous about any type of oral surgery. Whether it is the idea of anesthesia or having your mouth poked and prodded, the anxious feeling is something most people experience. However, when preparing to undergo a procedure to receive dental implants in Lexington, a local expert explains why the process is actually much easier than you might think. Read on to find out why you’ll experience no pain during your oral surgery and what you can expect during recovery.   


How to Take Care of Your Mouth After Dental Implant Surgery

March 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 12:16 am
Woman with ice pack

One of the great things about living in the 21st century is the fact that you don’t need to settle for missing teeth. With modern dental technology, gaps in your smile can be a thing of the past. There are several different options out there when it comes to replacing missing teeth, including dental implants because of their many benefits. In order for them to be successful, you will need to follow proper dental implant aftercare measures. Continue reading to learn what they are.


Is a Broken Denture a Dental Emergency?

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 7:06 pm
Man with dentures in Lexington should see emergency dentist

Dentures in Lexington are an excellent solution for tooth loss that allows you to quickly regain your complete, confident, and functional smile. Unfortunately, they’re not indestructible. Just like a broken tooth, damaged dentures are considered a dental emergency that needs to be treated right away to keep your smile healthy. Here’s everything you need to know about handling a broken denture.


Habits You Should Avoid With Dental Implants

December 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 11:44 pm
Woman biting her nails

Dental implants have become a preferred tooth replacement option for both dentists and patients alike. They have all sorts of benefits that you can’t get anywhere else and most of all, they will give you your smile back! However, if you want them to last upwards of 25 years or even the rest of your life, you will need to care for them properly. This means avoid bad habits that could cause harm to your dental implants in Lexington. Here are a few things to stay clear of.


How to Choose the Best Emergency Dentist

November 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 4:26 pm
man in pain who needs emergency dentist in Lexington

Have you ever suddenly found yourself with a dental emergency and had no idea who to call? These situations never seem to happen when it’s convenient. Plus, they can be stressful, confusing, and painful. The best thing to do is have a dentist picked out ahead of time in case you suffer from a mouth-related accident or injury. Here are a few things to consider when choosing an emergency dentist in Lexington.


Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation Safe?

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 4:37 pm
Male patient inhaling nitrous oxide

After months of attempting to ignore your toothache, the once dull discomfort has become a sharp, stabbing pain. The inability to chew properly combined with the sneaking suspicion that you may have one or more cavities pushes you to do the one thing you’ve been putting off – contacting the dentist.

Does this sound all too familiar? You’re not alone. Fortunately, patients who struggle with dental-related anxiety can use nitrous oxide to get the treatment they need without the stress. But is it safe? A sedation dentist in Lexington is sharing the answer!


What to Do If You Lose a Dental Crown

September 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 9:29 pm
three dental crowns in Lexington against black background

Most people who get a dental crown can expect it to last for at least 10-15 years with proper maintenance. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, accidents happen. Crowns can chip, crack, loosen, or fall off entirely. While losing a dental crown in Lexington isn’t quite as urgent of an emergency as knocking out a tooth, it’s still important that you call your dentist right away for prompt treatment. Once you have an appointment scheduled, here are the steps you should take in the meantime.

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